Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018

War on waste: Evian to make all plastic bottles from recycled material by 2025

Evian, one of the world`s most iconic bottled water brands, will produce all its plastic bottles from 100 percent recycled plastic by the year 2025.
In an announcement Thursday the business, whose parent company is Danone, said it would look to adopt a 'circular approach' to its use of plastic.
Evian is to work with a range of stakeholders to help achieve its ambition.
In terms of packaging, it said it would partner with Loop Industries, a business that has developed technology that converts all Polyethylene Terephthalate plastic waste into the high quality plastic needed by Evian.
This, it said, would allow 'a continuous loop for recycling at large scale.
' Among other things, Evian said it would also work with companies including Veolia, as well as consumers, to boost both the collection and recycling rates of waste plastic bottles.
'We want to use the power of our global brand to take a leadership position, drive collaboration across the industry and, together with partners, transform our approach to plastic,' Patricia Oliva, Evian`s global brand director, said in a statement.
Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, welcomed Evian`s plans.
'For the first time ever, we`re the generation that has the knowledge and the technology to stem the rise in global temperatures, but we need to move faster,' she said.
'Brands taking bold steps such as Evian will help shift the needle and bend the emissions curve.
' A range of high-profile businesses are looking to reduce their plastic waste.
Earlier this week, leading U.
supermarket Iceland, which specializes in frozen food, made a commitment to eliminate plastic packaging from its own brand products by the end of 2023.
Also this week, McDonald`s said that 100 percent of its guest packaging would come from renewable, recycled or certified sources by 2025.

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